
825 Village Way
Qualicum Beach, BC

V9K 1A1




Statement of Faith

Our Leadership

Who are we?


Biblical Worship



Sunday Celebrations at CFC

Morning Service 10:00-12:00
Incorporating worship and praise, fellowship, ministry in the Word and prayer.

Communion on the first Sunday of every month.

Children's Church meets at the same time in the Fireside Room.

Frequently we have guest ministries share with us.

Statement of Faith Back to top of page

We believe

  • The inspiration of the Bible, equally in all parts and without error in its origin, to be the Word of God and the infallible rule of faith and conduct.
  • The one God, eternally existent Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Creator of all things, who created man by a direct, immediate act.
  • The pre-existence, incarnation, virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, substitutionary death, burial, bodily resurrection, ascension to Heaven, and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Who is presently seated at the right hand of God, the Father, and is true God and man.
  • The fall of man, the need of regeneration by the operation the Holy Spirit on the basis of grace alone, and the resurrection of all to life or damnation.
  • The personal salvation of believers through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
  • The sanctification of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ through the word of god by the Holy Spirit in personal holiness of heart and life.
  • The divine healing, through faith in the Name of Jesus Christ, that is included in the atonement.
  • The baptism of the Holy Spirit as distinct from the new birth, with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance, and in the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit and their availability to all believers.
  • The evangelizing and witnessing of God's saving grace through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the Christian Commission of Matthew 28.19.

Our Leadership Back to top of page

Under the headship of Christ and the counsel of Scripture our leadership team seeks to serve the local body by fostering an environment of love and acceptance where believers can be built up in their faith.

Pastors - Brian and Leah Robertson
Brian's primary responsibilities include the equipping and training of the Christian Fellowship Body, working with key leaders in developing church vision and direction, preaching and teaching and overall contact with the members and various groups in the church. Leah oversees the worship in the church and conducts regular training meetings for singers and musicians. They have five children and Brian is a graduate of the University of Victoria and Azusa Pacific University. Both Brian and Leah have served as missionaries in Guatemala.

The Elders are spiritually mature believers within the congregation recognised by the Pastor and Eldership for their role in teaching and equipping the saints.

The Deacons are responsible to the eldership and recognised for their dedication to the ministry of service within the Church.

Corporate Leadership Team
In addition to the above individuals, leaders of the recognised small groups and other ministries of the church are part of a larger corporate leadership team. This team functions in a shepherding role within the congregation and meets regularly for training, accountability and encouragement.

Our Staff
Consists of a church/school secretary and caretakers.

Who are we? Back to top of page

We are a fellowship of believers, denominationally unaffiliated, seeking to recognize and fellowship with all of God's people, working toward the unity and edification of the whole Body of christ, locally and world wide.

Our vision is express in three distinct, yet inter-locking ways.

We are called to worship our Saviour Jesus Christ fervently and intimately, presenting ourselves as living sacrifices in prayer, worship and lifestyle.

Body Life
We are committed to minister to fellow-believers, in the Body-at-large through service and training, and particularily in the context of small groups where care, ministry, prayer and study
can occur on a more intimate level.

We are called to manifest the love of God through service and evangelism, firstto the local community and then to the world.

Ministries Back to top of page

Children are a vital part of the church body, and should receive the best training and encouragement we can give them. For children aged 4 - 12 we have a dynamic "Kid's Church" program from 10:30 to 12:00 on Sunday mornings. A supervised nursery for younger children is available during our worship services.

Prayer and Bible Study meets on Wednesday afternoons at the church.
Fellowship meets every first and third Thursday of each month.
Luncheon on the last Thursday of each month.

Promise Keepers meet weekly and monthly.

Small Groups
We believe it is essential for every believer to be linked with a small group of fellow believers where they can receive encouragement, support and be accountable.For more information on these groups contact the church office at 752-5513

Biblical Worship Back to top of page

Why do we worship as we do? We seek to worship the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Mark 13:30

Why do we clap our hands? "Clap your hands all ye people; shout to God with the voice of triumph". Psalm 47:1

Why do we lift our hands? "Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord".
Psalm 134:2

Why do we praise God audibly?
Psalm 34:1, 109:30, 47:6, 66:1, Col 3:16, Isaiah 12:6

Why do we praise God with dance?
Psalm 95:6, 150:4, 149:3, Samuel II 6:14

Why do we have speaking in tongues and prophesy?
1 Cor. 14:39, 12:7-10

If you have any questions regarding these scripture please contact one of our elders.

Missions Back to top of page

Gospel Outreach At CFC we believe that all Christians are to be involved in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, locally and to the nations. As a church we regularly pray and provide financial support for a number of missionaries, some from our own fellowship. Outreach includes Canada, Argentina, Israel and Mexico.

Operation Love A formal care system of providing for the needs of the widows, orphans and others associated with our fellowship.

Food and Clothing Banks We offer food hampers, quality used clothing and prayer to members of the local community.

Prayer Back to top of page

Communion with and hearing from our Heavenly Father, is foundational to effective Christian lives and ministry.

Ministry Teams
Trained believers pray for personal needs on Sundays after each service.

Prayer Counselling
Available with pastors and experienced believers by contacting the church office 752-5513.

Intercessory Prayer
Monday mornings at 7:00 and noon Wednesday.
Each weekday morning at 8:30 a.m.

Sunday mornings from 8:30 - 9.45.

Christian Fellowship Centre, Qualicum Beach

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